Rusk County, Wisconsin

In 1999, former Governor Tommy Thompson signed into law Act 9. The law required that every municipality in the state that wished to have a say in land use decisions approve and adopt a comprehensive plan prior to January 1, 2010. In accordance with the Town of Willard, Chapter 19, “Town of Willard Comprehensive Planning and Smart Growth Legislation Ordinance”, the Town of Willard promotes the orderly development of the Township.  The Town of Willard adopted their Comprehensive Plan June 20, 2009.

A Comprehensive Plan is master plan for economic development, housing, transportation systems, agricultural resources, natural resources, historic resources, utilities and community facilities. This plan is a baseline for creation of other maps, resolutions and ordinances that protect the Town while encouraging community growth.  While planning for growth, it cannot predict the future, and is a fluid document that needs revision over time.  The most recent revision was adopted March 12, 2018.


Resolution and Ordinance No. 2009-04, revised March 12, 2018

1 Issues and Opportunities

2 Housing

3 Transportation

4 Utilities and Community Facilities

5 Agriculture, Natural and Cultural Resources

6 Economic Development

7 Intergovernmental Cooperation

8 Land Use

9 Implementation

Comprehensive Plan – Appendix A

Comprehensive Plan – Appendix B

Comprehensive Plan – Appendix C

Comprehensive Plan – Appendix D


Print Full Comprehensive Plan (3.55 MB)

March 28, 2018 Comprehensive Plan Hearing

2018 Updates to 2009 Comprehensive Plan